shakespeare theatre company: Last News


‘Comedy of Errors’ is a Big, Joyous Bear Hug

Comedy of Errors says, “We’re glad you’re here.” You will be entertained as if adored, yelled at with affection, and there will be no need to actually follow Shakespeare’s ridiculously convoluted shenanigans surrounding the reuniting of two sets of separated twins, although a pre-curtain read of the synopsis will help.Even better, you will be treated to Shakespeare delivered with a kind of natural energy, meaning you don’t have to be a die-hard fan of the Bard to fully understand the gist of what’s being said and why. Put simply, director Simon Godwin and this top-notch cast are out to give a warm and lovely embrace to anyone and everyone — and that’s a lot harder than it looks.Going for accessibility right out of the gate, Godwin opts for a flash-forward to the 1990s, cleverly predating cell phones (whose use would instantly thwart any “errors”) and allowing for a relatable vibe that invites everything from funky interludes to wittily-adapted asides.

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