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Michael Douglas marks three years since death of movie star father Kirk Douglas

Michael Douglas marked three years since the death of his movie star father Kirk Douglas on Instagram this week.Kirk, one of the reigning icons of Old Hollywood, lived to the grand old age of 103 before his death in February 2020.He is buried beside his second wife Anne Buydens in Westwood, California.That is where 78-year-old Michael was seen in a new video posted an Instagram.The star was seen sitting by himself on a stone bench by his Kirk and Anne's joint grave as he brought white flowers. Dearly departed: Michael Douglas visited father and stepmother's grave to mark three years since the death of his movie star father Kirk Douglas Family business: Kirk, one of the reigning icons of Old Hollywood, lived to the grand old age of 103 before his death in February 2020; pictured with Michael in 1977'What an extraordinary couple they were,' said Michael, his voice filled with emotion.The husband of 53-year-old Chicago movie star Catherine Zeta-Jones then added, 'I miss them both so much.'Tragically, Kirk and Anna's tombstone also marks the resting place of their son Eric, who battled substance abuse problems for years.He died of an accidental overdose in 2004 at the age of just 46.Before his relationship with Anne, Kirk was married to the actress Diana Dill, with whom he welcomed Michael in 1944.Michael used his latest post to plug The Douglas Archive.That is an online collection of material such as pictures, press clippings and letters documenting Kirk and Anne's activities across movies, politics and philanthropy.The archive comes under the aegis of the Douglas Foundation, the charity that Kirk and Anne co-founded in 1964.

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Michael Douglas marks three years since death of movie star father Kirk Douglas
Michael Douglas marked three years since the death of his movie star father Kirk Douglas on Instagram this week.Kirk, one of the reigning icons of Old Hollywood, lived to the grand old age of 103 before his death in February 2020.He is buried beside his second wife Anne Buydens in Westwood, California.That is where 78-year-old Michael was seen in a new video posted an Instagram.The star was seen sitting by himself on a stone bench by his Kirk and Anne's joint grave as he brought white flowers. Dearly departed: Michael Douglas visited father and stepmother's grave to mark three years since the death of his movie star father Kirk Douglas Family business: Kirk, one of the reigning icons of Old Hollywood, lived to the grand old age of 103 before his death in February 2020; pictured with Michael in 1977'What an extraordinary couple they were,' said Michael, his voice filled with emotion.The husband of 53-year-old Chicago movie star Catherine Zeta-Jones then added, 'I miss them both so much.'Tragically, Kirk and Anna's tombstone also marks the resting place of their son Eric, who battled substance abuse problems for years.He died of an accidental overdose in 2004 at the age of just 46.Before his relationship with Anne, Kirk was married to the actress Diana Dill, with whom he welcomed Michael in 1944.Michael used his latest post to plug The Douglas Archive.That is an online collection of material such as pictures, press clippings and letters documenting Kirk and Anne's activities across movies, politics and philanthropy.The archive comes under the aegis of the Douglas Foundation, the charity that Kirk and Anne co-founded in 1964.