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Pedro Pascal got an eye infection after letting fans recreate his ‘Game Of Thrones’ death scene
The Last Of Us and The Mandalorian, the actor is also well-known for portraying Oberyn Martell in season four of Game of Thrones.The character was a charismatic prince who met a gruesome end when the towering knight Ser Gregor Clegane stuck his thumbs in his eyes and crushed his skull.In a recent Hollywood Reporter roundtable discussion with other actors, including Succession star Kieran Culkin, Pascal revealed how he used to allow his fans to pay tribute to Oberny’s violent death when taking selfies together.“I remember, early on, because of Game of Thrones and the way my character died, people were super into taking selfies with their thumbs in my eyes,” Pascal said.“That’s a lot of trust!” Culkin said in response.“At first, I was so earnest and happy about the success of the character in the show, I’d let them! In New York! Of all places,” Pascal continued. “And then I remember getting a bit of an eye infection.”The conversation, which also featured Snowfall star Damson Idris, Dahmer‘s Evan Peters, The Old Man‘s Jeff Bridges, and The White Lotus star Michael Imperioli, was sparked by a discussion about setting boundaries with enthusiastic fans.Back in April, Pascal admitted that he nearly quit acting after experiencing years of rejection.“I was getting my ass fucking kicked,” he told Esquire, discussing his time working as a waiter throughout the 1990s.