iTunes: Last News


AI-generated Trump rap song mocking latest arrest tops iTunes chart: ‘My mugshot worth a billi’

features an AI-generated Donald Trump dunking on the “radical left” and the latest batch of criminal charges against the former president and current 2024 contender has landed a No. 2 spot on the iTunes rap chart.“First Day Out” by artist Hi-Rez — masquerading as “Trump the Don” — skyrocketed to the top of the Hip-Hop charts since it was released last week as Trump was taking his infamous mug shot inside a Georgia jail.In a near-perfect digital imitation of the former president, Hi-Rez imagines how Trump must have felt after being booked and released on bond over charges of trying to overturn the 2020 election in the state.“Out on bail, out on bail. I won’t see inside a cell,” the eerily-accurate AI-generated voice chants.“Imma beat them RICO charges.

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