Aston Villa FC: Last News


'Otherwise I'd be paralysed or dead’ Dion Dublin speaks out on life-threatening injury, the football pundit credited his physio Jim Walker, Dr Barry Smith, and Mr Andre Jackowski, his surgeon, as without their help, Dion believes he would be “either paralysed or dead”.Despite the seriousness of his injury, Dion revealed that he suffered “no pain” initially and had tried to carry on with the match at the time.The star recalled: “There was no pain with my broken neck, I had no pain at all. “I went off the pitch and then I came on the pitch again to try and carry on, but obviously I couldn’t carry on, the body takes over.“My shoulders were right underneath my ears just to protect my neck, and my physio Jim Walker, my doctor, Dr Barry Smith, God bless his soul, and Mr Jackowski my surgeon, those three people allowed

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