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Bradley and Barney Walsh gobsmacked as The One Show fans share 'outrage' over BBC show
Bradley and Barney Walsh appeared to be taken back when host Jermaine Jenus unveiled that The One Show fans had been in touch to issue their "outrage" over their father-and-son adventure.Presenter Jermaine, 38, followed the usual format on the BBC programme which allows viewers at home to message in their questions for guests of the show.Ordinarily, fans tend to ask nice and non-invasive questions that are read out by the hosts.However on Monday's programme, football pundit Jermaine explained to the The Chase host and his son that they'd received contrary feedback."We've actually had fans message in with their outrage actually," began Jermaine.He added: "They're annoyed that the show is only 30 minutes long and think it should be an hour.Unimpressed with the negativity, Bradley chirped back that there was "nothing they could do" as their programme had been "allocated a travel slot" which only permits 30 minutes.This is a live TV story and is constantly being updated.Please refresh the page regularly to get the latest TV updates.TV & Showbiz reporters are working to source the latest information, reaction, pictures and video related to this story.You can also follow us on Twitter @DailyStar, or follow us on Instagram @dailystar to get the latest TV and celeb gossip 24 hours a day.Or like our Daily Star Showbiz Facebook page to get the day's biggest stories, and have your say on them.Why not also subscribe to receive our regular Daily Star showbiz newsletters?You can do this on this page by simply entering your email address above and hitting 'subscribe'.Download the Daily Star app for flash alerts on the biggest stories of the day, so you don't miss out.Why not also subscribe to receive our regular Daily Star news