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Apple could owe you hundreds of pounds if you have an iPhone - here's how to find out
iPhone in 2017, you could be due a tidy cash sum from Apple soon.The tech giant is facing a major £768 million court case in the UK which claims it deliberately slowed down older iPhone models as new iOS updates were released.Consumer champion Justin Gutmann has filed a claim with the Competition Appeal Tribunal, claiming that Apple misled users by making them download software updates it said would improve iPhone performance, but actually slowed the devices down. Information about the feature which caused the issue, a 'power management tool', was allegedly hidden from download notes at the time of release in January 2017.Gutmann claims that there was no information provided at the time about the impact it would have on the device's performance.His claim also alleges that Apple introduced the tool to 'disguise' the fact that the new version of iOS was not optimised for older iPhone batteries, and the company opted for software updates rather than replacing batteries.Gutmann said: "Instead of doing the honourable and legal thing by their customers and offering a free replacement, repair service or compensation, Apple instead misled people by concealing a tool in software updates that slowed their devices by up to 58%."I'm launching this case so that millions of iPhone users across the UK will receive redress for the harm suffered by Apple's actions."Apple apologised in 2017 for its handling of the issue after users noticed issues with their phone's performance, and offered to replace batteries at a discount and give users the option to turn off the power tool.