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Steph's Packed Lunch in presenter shake-up as Marcus Brigstock forced to miss show
Steph's Packed Lunch after regular host Marcus Brigstocke suffered from train delays.The comedian, who usually participates in the comical news reading while on the show, was unfortunately unable to make his way into the studio which left the position open to someone else.Talking to presenter Steph McGovern via video link on the train, Marcus explained that he is trying his best to make it into the studio on time but is currently stuck on the train in the middle of nowhere.But luckily Sayeeda was on hand to help and did a spectacular job, despite Marcus sharing his reservations regarding her presenting skills.Once Sayeeda hosted the hilarious segment, Steph sang her praises while admitting that the baroness wasn't told about the unexpected change before they went on air.Appearing via video link once again, Marcus also agreed that Sayeeda done a brilliant job in his absesne.This is a live TV story and is constantly being updated.Please refresh the page regularly to get the latest TV updates.TV & Showbiz reporters are working to source the latest information, reaction, pictures and video related to this story.You can also follow us on Twitter @DailyStar, or follow us on Instagram @dailystar to get the latest TV and celeb gossip 24 hours a day.Or like our Daily Star Showbiz Facebook page to get the day's biggest stories, and have your say on them.Why not also subscribe to receive our regular Daily Star showbiz newsletters?You can do this on this page by simply entering your email address above and hitting 'subscribe'.Download the Daily Star app for flash alerts on the biggest stories of the day, so you don't miss out.Why not also subscribe to receive our regular Daily Star news bulletins? You can do this on this page by