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Skrillex photographed with right wing academic Jordan Peterson
Skrillex has been pictured backstage with controversial academic Jordan Peterson.The producer was photographed with Peterson after attending one of his talks in Miami Beach.“Good to see you yesterday @Skrillex,” tweeted Peterson before sharing a photo of the two together with the caption, “Guess who.”Skrillex did not share the photo or comment on the picture on any of his social media pages.Good to see you yesterday @Skrillex— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) February 4, 2022Guess who pic.twitter.com/783rU9U9YR— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) February 5, 2022Peterson’s views on subjects such as feminism and gender identity have been criticised in the past. He has previously claimed that Islamophobia is “a word created by fascists and used by cowards to manipulate morons”, that white privilege is a “Marxist lie”, and that “The idea that women were oppressed throughout history is an appalling theory.”More recently, Peterson has likened Canada’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates as an imitation of “a totalitarian state.”Mumford & Sons previously faced criticism after they were pictured with the controversial academic.At the time, then guitarist Winston Marshall explained how he invited Peterson to the band’s London studio after becoming fascinated with his work on psychology.“I primarily was very interested in Dr.