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Adele Talks Titanic Tourist Submersible During Las Vegas Concert: 'I’m a Scaredy Cat of Everything'
Adele posed a question at her Las Vegas concert that, at some point, just about everyone has probably pondered: If given the opportunity, would they have jumped at the opportunity to visit the Titanic at the bottom of the sea in a submersible? In video shared on TikTok, the «Someone Like You» songstress prefaced the question Friday night by acknowledging that the submersible, Titan, imploding and killing all five passengers aboard the 21-foot vessel was «so sad and so tragic.»«But I have been debating with my friends on our group chats. Everyone’s like, 'I would never do that.' But that’s a lie, 'cause a lot of people would do that,» the 35-year-old singer said during her residency at The Colosseum. «I wanna do a vote — not in mind of what happened, 'cause that was so sad and so tragic -- but before this week, how many people would, if they could, would go down to the very, very bottom of the ocean to see the Titanic? Raise your hands.»After a decent amount of people raised their hands, Adele responded with, «See, I knew it! Turn the lights on so I can see the balconies… that's a very good proportion.»But more concertgoers appeared to raise their hands when asked if they wouldn't go on the tour, prompting Adele to raise the stakes and ask if they'd go to space. «I wouldn’t do it either but only because I’m a bit of a p**y.
Adele Polls Audience About Boarding Titanic Tourist Submersible: 'I’m a Scaredy Cat of Everything'
Adele posed a question at her Las Vegas concert that, at some point, just about everyone has probably pondered: If given the opportunity, would they have jumped at the opportunity to visit the Titanic at the bottom of the sea in a submersible? In video shared on TikTok, the «Someone Like You» songstress prefaced the question Friday night by acknowledging that the submersible, Titan, imploding and killing all five passengers aboard the 21-foot vessel was «so sad and so tragic.»«But I have been debating with my friends on our group chats. Everyone’s like, 'I would never do that.' But that’s a lie, 'cause a lot of people would do that,» the 35-year-old singer said during her residency at The Colosseum. «I wanna do a vote — not in mind of what happened, 'cause that was so sad and so tragic -- but before this week, how many people would, if they could, would go down to the very, very bottom of the ocean to see the Titanic? Raise your hands.»After a decent amount of people raised their hands, Adele responded with, «See, I knew it! Turn the lights on so I can see the balconies… that's a very good proportion.»But more concertgoers appeared to raise their hands when asked if they wouldn't go on the tour, prompting Adele to raise the stakes and ask if they'd go to space. «I wouldn’t do it either but only because I’m a bit of a p**y.