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Bodies left in outdoor tents and piled up in hospital as Hong Kong Covid-19 deaths rise
coronavirus victims. The former British colony has reached a record of 361,000 confirmed cases in the past 14 days, with many hospitals and clinics stretching their maximum load to take in patients.Video shared on social media shows ambulances queuing up outside hospitals where patients are lying on stretchers at the car park.Nurses and doctors in protective gear and visors are seen tending the patients as first-aid workers unload more patients at the parking bay.David Chan Kwok-shing, a representative of the Hospital Authority Employees Alliance, told South China Morning Post that the medical system is "completely overwhelmed".In the past week, at least three public mortuaries had reached 90% capacity as an exponential rise in infections brought a record number of death.Pictures taken inside Queen Elizabeth Hospital reveal dozens of body bags being put in the A&E department where patients are waiting to be assessed.Want all the latest shocking news and views from all over the world straight into your inbox?We've got the best royal scoops, crime dramas and breaking stories - all delivered in that Daily Star style you love.Our great newsletters will give you all you need to know, from hard news to that bit of glamour you need every day. They'll drop straight into your inbox and you can unsubscribe whenever you like.You can sign up here - you won't regret it...In some areas, two body bags are placed on one stretcher to make space to fill up more bodies.Another photo shows a doctor in white protective robe, accompanied by a nurse, pushing a body to an outdoor tent.Local media reported that some funeral parlous refused to accept bodies of coronavirus patients while officials stepped up the process of cremation.For more